Sunday, June 21, 2020

The Post-corona Era will be a Postdigital Age

I propose that the post-corona era will be a postdigital age as defined in my book The Future of Art in a Postdigital Age: From Hellenistic to Hebraic Consciousness (Intellect Books/University of Chicago Press). My definition has become the Wikipedia definition were I quote MIT Media Center director Nicholas Negroponte: "Like air and drinking water, being digital will be noticed only in its absence, not by its presence. Face it - the Digital Revolution is over."

The above image shows me activating my biofeedback-generated interactive self-portrait Inside/Outside: P'nim/Panim that I created at MIT Center for Advanced Visual Studies for my LightsOROT: Spiritual Dimensions of the Electronic Age exhibition at Yeshiva University Museum in New York.

The ARTnews reviewer of LightsOROT wrote, "Rarely is an exhibition as visually engaging and intellectually challenging."

From the Wikipedia article Postdigital:
“Postdigital, in artistic practice, is an attitude that is more concerned with being human, than with being digital. Postdigital is concerned with our rapidly changed and changing relationships with digital technologies and art forms. Mel Alexenberg defines "postdigital art" as artworks that address the humanization of digital technologies through interplay between digital, biological, cultural, and spiritual systems, between cyberspace and real space, between embodied media and mixed reality in social and physical communication, between high tech and high touch experiences, between visual, haptic, auditory, and kinesthetic media experiences, between virtual and augmented reality, between roots and globalization, between autoethnography and community narrative, and between web-enabled peer-produced wikiart and artworks created with alternative media through participation, interaction, and collaboration in which the role of the artist is redefined.”

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